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If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to the certificate of non-existence of urban planning infraction

3rd June 2022
If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to the certificate of non-existence of urban planning infraction


When is it especially advisable to ask for it?
“In properties in which the property itself, the construction, is declared by age and not by end of work license, which is the usual procedure. That is, in those that, at the time, were built without a license (either because at that time it was not necessary or because it was not requested) and were later declared in writing”.

If you are considering investing, are you interested in doing so in properties that may have urban planning violations? “In properties with urban problems we can find problems that can be solved and others that cannot, that is what you have to know how to differentiate from the beginning so that it is (or not) a good investment opportunity. The case of Messi's hotel is perhaps more complex, but there are many other problems that can be easily solved. For example, a house that is not registered or a house that is not legal but can be legalized. And that is where the key is, in knowing before buying what kind of urban problem the property has and, above all, how to solve it. As not all urban problems are solvable, not all homes with urban problems are good investment opportunities”, he says.

However, when there is some type of urban problem and the owner does not want to solve it, "having the necessary knowledge we can take advantage of the opportunity to buy at a lower price, solve the problem and obtain profitability with a subsequent use of that building (either sale, rent, etc.)”, 

We repeat: as long as the problem in question can be solved, if not, it is better to move on to something else.

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