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If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to the certificate of non-existence of urban planning infraction

1st June 2022
If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to the certificate of non-existence of urban planning infraction


The news broke last December: the footballer Lionel Messi bought a hotel in Sitges (the hotel in particular is the MiM Sitges, managed by the Majestic chain) for 30 million euros. Everything could have gone smoothly had it not been for the fact that said building does not comply with urban planning regulations and has a court order for its demolition pending. In other words, the seller assured before the purchase-sale that there was no urban planning file against the property, but the reality was different...

“To avoid this type of problem, there is a certificate of non-existence of urban planning infraction, a document that guarantees the legality of the work of a property and certifies that the property does not have any open file for urban planning infraction. Requesting this document is not mandatory, but it is a right of potential buyers to avoid falling into unnecessary risks. Although there are many investors and people who are aware of this document, many others are completely unaware of it. And this is the reason why this type of situation can occur”,

What are we talking about? It is a document “by means of which the relevant Town Planning delegation informs us of the existence or not of disciplinary proceedings for town planning infractions or demolition orders for real estate. The document guarantees the legality of the work of a property and certifies that it does not have any open file for urban planning infraction. The certificate can be requested at the Town Planning office of the town council of the municipality in question (all town councils have their own office, whether larger or smaller). To request it, you must fill out an application and attach basic documentation such as a location plan, a photocopy of the last receipt of the Real Estate Tax / Cadastral Certificate of the building in question and proof of payment of the corresponding fee. The price, as well as the type of documentation required, may vary depending on the municipality. Normally the certificate usually takes 15 days”,

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