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2nd August 2021

COVID-19 seems to have settled among us, as a latent threat, in a persistent effort to prevent us from reaching normalcy. But in the face of their challenge, we must maintain hope, betting on resuming a full life, although necessarily different. It is possible to achieve a certain normality, this has to be our endeavor, uniting the wills and desires of all.

The undeniable risk to the health of each and every citizen accompanies us, demanding individual and collective responsibility from us. As a society we must bear in mind the situation of our elders, for whom we never wish or foresee an old age without human warmth. The memory of those who are no longer with us, of those admitted to the ICU struggling to regain their life trajectory, does not abandon us, but it does not weigh us down in despair, but rather motivates us to move on.

Our economic health is also worrying. Shops, tourism, in general all economic traffic has slowed down, increasing unemployment and generating uncertainty about the future.

The hope of a speedy recovery cannot ignore reality, if it wants to be solidly grounded, but the current perception cannot anchor it. Spain has solid institutional structures that provide legal security, and a network of small and medium-sized companies that bring wealth to the surface in their territories. We are part of Europe, we feel accompanied by it at this time, we all begin together, with a determined will, the task of reconstruction.

0034 965727960

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