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Liability of property for business or professional debts and the Commercial Registry

28th May 2021
Liability of property for business or professional debts and the Commercial Registry


On the other hand, the professional is not an entrepreneur, neither civil nor commercial, and thus in a modern society where the services sector is of paramount importance, services such as law, medicine, architecture, or engineering are left out of "commercial" activity. for these purposes, although not to others such as competition or consumers whose regulation is applicable to them, being debatable, as we will see later, if the answer is also negative in the event that said services are provided through capital companies with that object are professionals or mediation media.

Of course, the situation of the professional's spouse is much worse than that of the commercial merchant's spouse, since he or she can at least safeguard part of his assets (those acquired as a result of the trade cannot according to common opinion) by registering in the Commercial register of your opposition to the exercise of the activity by your spouse, which our legal system does not allow the professional's spouse as we said before.

0034 965727960

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